Tuesday, November 18, 2014


30 Days of Thankful 2014 - Day 18 - WORK
A well-known quote from Confucius states that "Choose a job you love, and you will never have to WORK a day in your life."   I have been fortunate enough to experience WORK that I love, both in the home and out of it.  With both, there have been some days that are better than others.  With recent education reform here in Louisiana, the difficult days as a teacher seem to be much more frequent than they used to be.  Because I teach very young children, I tend to have more freedom in choosing what works best for my students, but am alarmed by the growing trend of teaching to pass tests at any age.  After all, there really is no greater WORK for a child than his play.

I WORK in a variety of different settings as an inclusion teacher, so I spent a lot of time in my car, as well.  That, too, has its ups and downs--like when it is cold and rainy outdoors--but for the most part, at this point in my life, it is a welcome change from being in one classroom all day long.  
What does WORK mean to you today?  Do you WORK from your home?  
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