Tuesday, November 11, 2014


30 Days of Thankful 2014 - Day 11 - HEALTH
It seems that the older we get, the more aches and pains we experience.  I used to roll my eyes as the conversations of mature adults revolved around their ailments, or the ailments of their friends.  But. . . now I'm there.  In the last few years, I have had both broken and sprained wrists, torn ligaments, a stress fracture, a broken toe, had at least one bout with vertigo, and well, you get the picture.  The list continues to grow.  My HEALTH becomes the focus of my thoughts more and more these days.  I've been very fortunate to not have suffered from any debilitating illnesses, like some in this group have, but I have visited the doctor more times than I would have wished.

These days, I'm trying to resume a regular running/exercise program as well as a more conscious effort to eat healthier.  I know that not only do I look better when I take care of my HEALTH, but much more importantly, I feel better.   (this little Doctor was writing out a prescription for me last week)
In what ways are you thankful for your HEALTH?   Do you have some regular habits you've implemented to be HEALTHIER?  Are there things you avoid to improve your HEALTH?
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