I love time-wasters. Not that I need much help from anyone else (I generally have NO trouble at all figuring out ways to waste my time), but Jessica, over at How About Orange regularly lists a few fun online versions. This morning, she posted this. After clicking the link to Veer and reading the instructions, I then spent a good 10 minutes trying it out.
The only problem is, I have absolutely no idea what I'm supposed to be doing. I THINK that I'm supposed to be landing the letters in their respective little spaces, but truthfully, I'm not even sure about that. I've used the arrow keys and shot the "rocket" with the space bar, but I still blow up each time. Good thing I don't make my living playing these games, because I really stink. Okay, time to quit that and get on to my real job. But, if I try one more time . . . .

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kerning is letter spacing in typography--http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kerning
for some reason this week i decided to turn the xbox on. so needless to say i'm playing way too many hours of mind-numbing arcade games.
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