What do you see when you look up? If I look up right now, I see a flickering flourescent light--one that surely needs the bulb changed. The Round Robin challenge this time was to point our cameras up and capture what's above. Here are a few shots I captured around my house. The magnolia trees are in full bloom right now. I love the way the white blossoms stand out against the rich, green leaves.
There's a huge oak tree next to my driveway. Lately, birds have been busily carrying grass and twigs into its branches, but I can't yet find the nests.
And under that oak tree is this basketball goal. It looks pretty lonely now. My daughter used to spend time out there every afternoon after school shooting baskets, but she's now grown and has moved away.
The ironwork on my carport definitely needs a little paint---I guess I need to add that to my growing summer "to do" list.
Be sure to click here check out all the shots taken by other Round Robins.
And remember, my daughter and I would love to have you play along with us as we get to know our cameras better and hopefully improve our photography skills as well. Just click on the Shutter School badge to the right to take you to our blog.
And remember, my daughter and I would love to have you play along with us as we get to know our cameras better and hopefully improve our photography skills as well. Just click on the Shutter School badge to the right to take you to our blog.
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My magnolias are done blooming here in WA! I love them - such a beautiful flower!
Fun shots. I love the great big Oak tree! Have a great weekend...
The magnolia pictures are great! I can almost smell them, just looking at the photos. Nice work.
I liked that magnolia tree! we have some here and I didn't know what kind they were, so now I know!
all great looking up pictures!!
have a great day
The angle on the basketball net is cool.
I played too :)
Well done - great Looking Up pics that fit the theme.
Have a great weekend.
Do drop by my blog, I value your comment as well.
Well done, great images that fit the theme of Looking Up.
I vaule your comment as well.
Have a good weekend.
Hi Linda :)
The magnolia tree is just beautiful. Beautiful. I had my eye on purchasing a baby magnolia tree the other day, but changed my mind at the last moment. This has me rethinking my decision. Can a yard have too many trees? Great photos.
Nice magnolia! Still not sure how to photograph those blossoms but it's fun trying! Great looking up!
Lovely photos of looking up! I really like the iron work photo! Have a great evening!
P. S. I checked out your Shutter School and will joining in at fliker as soon as I'm approved.
The magnolias are so lovely! And I can sense your feelings about your daughter and the basketball hoop. Very nice shots!
The magnolia blossoms are just lovely. And I can sense your feelings for your daughter from the basketball hoop. Very nice pictures!
You have an eye. I love the last shot. Looking up is much fun and I relly enjoyed all of yours.
I love the Magnolia flower--just beautiful. Also, I enjoyed the post about picking blueberries. I've never done that. It looks like fun.
Nice shots ! do you have a stiff neck now ?
What beautiful magnolias, with that, I'd be looking up often. The iron photo is interesting too with the curly shapes and straight lines. Lovely.
What a beautiful magnolia tree! I enjoy looking at the photos here.
Just me, playing catch-up. I love the perspective on the last three shots, especially the oak tree. Beautiful!
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