Over the Labor Day weekend, I flew out to visit Jana and Rob. Originally, we'd planned for Ron to come, too, but he was scheduled to be on call and Rob was scheduled to work, so I basically had Jana all to myself. (I'll never complain about that)! While catching up on her work, home, church, etc. activities, we managed to squeeze in quite a few projects as well.
After joining Jana and her coworkers at lunch on Friday afternoon, she took off a little bit early and we toured a couple of local daycares. She'd already seen the "cadillac model" of daycares, and these were definitely not even in the same realm. A little bit disillusioned with the prospect of finding a suitable place for baby B to to be cared for, she declared that it was time for a snow cone.
With snow cones in hand, we sat in the back hatch of her car and discussed options in the area. It was good to stop and put the brakes on and the snow cones were a welcome relief, as well. (by the way, her faith in the possibility of finding the right spot was restored the following week upon touring some very nice facilities).
With Baby B on his/her way in January, this was a great time to begin getting things ready for the nursery. Jana had already narrowed down her decorating choices to a couple of color/fabric schemes that both she and Rob liked.
Like many of us, their extra bedroom was currently filled with a bunch of extras--furniture, boxes, files, etc. But, it is important to have a BEFORE picture to see the progress.
Over the course of the weekend, we visited IKEA in Charlotte, Joann's (3 times) and Mary Jo's Cloth Store. Mary Jo's is kind of an icon in the fabric business--particularly on the East Coast--and I LOVE visiting!
We stayed there for a couple of hours---browsing, touching, cutting, dreaming. I could have easily stayed a couple more, but we were "women on a mission" and had other stops to make.

At home, it was time to get to work. First, we stitched up a window valance with her "theme" fabric. Next, we tackled making a window-seat cushion, complete with piping. Wanting to be as frugal as possible, we took apart a cushion I made a few years ago and re-shaped the foam inside so that it would be the right size/shape for this bench. While it didn't look very pretty in this state, I knew that it would just fine once it was slipped into the cover.
I don't want to steal Jana's thunder by posting pictures of all we accomplished, but baby B's nursery is off to a GREAT start! Here are a few sneak peaks from out sewing activities.
If you'd like to follow along with the progress, check out Jana's posts over on Dancing Commas.
After joining Jana and her coworkers at lunch on Friday afternoon, she took off a little bit early and we toured a couple of local daycares. She'd already seen the "cadillac model" of daycares, and these were definitely not even in the same realm. A little bit disillusioned with the prospect of finding a suitable place for baby B to to be cared for, she declared that it was time for a snow cone.
With snow cones in hand, we sat in the back hatch of her car and discussed options in the area. It was good to stop and put the brakes on and the snow cones were a welcome relief, as well. (by the way, her faith in the possibility of finding the right spot was restored the following week upon touring some very nice facilities).
With Baby B on his/her way in January, this was a great time to begin getting things ready for the nursery. Jana had already narrowed down her decorating choices to a couple of color/fabric schemes that both she and Rob liked.
Like many of us, their extra bedroom was currently filled with a bunch of extras--furniture, boxes, files, etc. But, it is important to have a BEFORE picture to see the progress.
Over the course of the weekend, we visited IKEA in Charlotte, Joann's (3 times) and Mary Jo's Cloth Store. Mary Jo's is kind of an icon in the fabric business--particularly on the East Coast--and I LOVE visiting!
We stayed there for a couple of hours---browsing, touching, cutting, dreaming. I could have easily stayed a couple more, but we were "women on a mission" and had other stops to make.

At home, it was time to get to work. First, we stitched up a window valance with her "theme" fabric. Next, we tackled making a window-seat cushion, complete with piping. Wanting to be as frugal as possible, we took apart a cushion I made a few years ago and re-shaped the foam inside so that it would be the right size/shape for this bench. While it didn't look very pretty in this state, I knew that it would just fine once it was slipped into the cover.
I don't want to steal Jana's thunder by posting pictures of all we accomplished, but baby B's nursery is off to a GREAT start! Here are a few sneak peaks from out sewing activities.
If you'd like to follow along with the progress, check out Jana's posts over on Dancing Commas.
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