I need to back up -----way back! So much has happened in such a short period of time, that I have been having a hard time keeping up here on the blog! Just about the time school was starting, Tyler came to visit. He wasn't able to stay that long, but we sure enjoyed the time we had together!!! Ron was able to take off from work to head to up to Oklahoma on Wednesday
and I followed them up there after work on Thursday night.
By the time I got there, it was late, but we headed back down to the river to do a little fishing.
Ron and Tyler had watched the river rise some when the flood gates were opened in the late afternoon, but when we returned, it was crazy high!!! Higher than we'd ever seen it! Ron did a little fishing, but the water was moving too fast to do much good.

We moved back to our "beach"---a small inlet on the river where we often set up our picnics. There, Tyler and I amused ourselves by skipping rocks while Ron fished. Actually, Tyler did most of the skipping---with no wrist movement, my rocks mostly just plopped into the water.

Ron caught a few little ones.
and I followed them up there after work on Thursday night.
By the time I got there, it was late, but we headed back down to the river to do a little fishing.
Ron and Tyler had watched the river rise some when the flood gates were opened in the late afternoon, but when we returned, it was crazy high!!! Higher than we'd ever seen it! Ron did a little fishing, but the water was moving too fast to do much good.

Ron caught a few little ones.
We watched as the fog rolled in over the river and then it became dark.
Really dark! We hiked back up the hill by the light of the fireflies (always one of my favorite things about our trips).
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