Some day I'm going to write a book. I'm definitely not a writer, but I think that the lessons I've learned from my brother, Dan, could fill a book. And while there have been plenty of trials through the years, the joys far outweigh them!!! The recent loss of our dad has been difficult for my brothers and I, but it seems that it is really just starting to sink in for Dan. As he carried the quilt my mother made him to the car, he commented on how he wanted to cover up with it at my house instead of the sheets. On the ride home, he had lots of questions---needing reassurance that he was not the only one grieving---just as we all do from time to time.
This morning, he awoke anxious to go with me to help deliver a meals to elderly and disabled people. Then we spent several hours working in the church's food pantry, packing grocery bags, stocking shelves and helping people carry food to the car. Dan has such compassion for people---looking beyond their physical appearance to see when someone needs help and is always more than willing to help them. That trait has often led to trouble for him, too, but if the whole world was able to "give" with such abandon, what an amazing place it would be.
Then, later, after getting back home, I watched as Emmi and Dan played in the backyard. Dan loves Emmi and Emmi loves Dan. What dog wouldn't love someone who creeps through the grass with him,
or lays down with them,
or rubs their belly,
or lets them lick their face?
And while I snapped a few pictures, I smiled. Time to go fire up the grill to cook a steak and baked potato. It's been a good day!
This morning, he awoke anxious to go with me to help deliver a meals to elderly and disabled people. Then we spent several hours working in the church's food pantry, packing grocery bags, stocking shelves and helping people carry food to the car. Dan has such compassion for people---looking beyond their physical appearance to see when someone needs help and is always more than willing to help them. That trait has often led to trouble for him, too, but if the whole world was able to "give" with such abandon, what an amazing place it would be.
Then, later, after getting back home, I watched as Emmi and Dan played in the backyard. Dan loves Emmi and Emmi loves Dan. What dog wouldn't love someone who creeps through the grass with him,

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