Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Going Green Re-Visited

Over the last couple of years, I have been trying to incorporate a few things into my life that lean in a healthier direction.  I use "green" laundry detergent (that I make myself) and eco-friendly dishwasher soap and other cleaning supplies.  I have even started a "Going Green" pinterest board.

Which leads me to the latest addition to our home.  After a trip to Lowe's, Ron tackled the assembly for me.  Each step was translated into 3 different languages-----except for a few that were translated into the SAME language 3 different times.  haha  Fortunately, it was English they duplicated (sorry Spanish and French speaking friends).
(sorry for the less than stellar photos)

By Sunday evening, I'd read through many of the rules of composting and was ready to begin. We added  some dirt, leaves and kitchen scraps I'd been saving and started the the first batch of compost!

I'm hoping that one of the next backyard projects involves that small plot of land to the left of the composter.
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JJB said...

Lucky duck! I've been trying to get Rob on board with the composting idea.

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