Sunday, March 23, 2014

Our Father . . .

Over the last month of so, we have been learning and talking about the Lord's Prayer in Sunday School.  You may remember that I teach a class for adults with special needs, and many of my friends enjoy doing some sort of "craft" while we discuss the lesson.  As we talked about the meaning of the different sections of the Lord's Prayer, I sketched what they described when I asked what it meant to them to say "Our Father, who art in Heaven . . ?"  onto a large 4' x 4' strip of freezer paper (taped together).  Next, I gave each person a stack of old magazines and scissors with instructions to cut out pictures of either blue or yellow things and I glued the colored pictures into place on the banner.   A couple of the guys helped to pull apart/spread out cotton balls and to glue them onto the collage.

It took several weeks to complete, but finally today, we were done.  I cut out letters and they each helped me glue them into place before we hung it in the hallway for other church members to enjoy.

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