Wednesday, December 29, 2010

My Word

As 2010 draws to a close, I have been thinking over my "one word" and how it affected my day to day life. For those not familiar with the "one word" idea, it is similar to a New Year's Resolution, but instead of choosing a singular thing or activity I want to change, I choose a word to focus on. For 2010 I chose the word "RISK" and it did help me be more aware of times that I might normally retreat and not try something. Sometimes I was successful in risking and other times not, but I had an awareness that will help me in the future, I think.

Now, as 2011 looms near, I have been pondering what my one word will be. I want something that wil enter into many different aspects of my life--something that will affect my attitude, my work, my play and even my eating habits. It's a lofty goal, for sure, and I certainly don't expect to be perfect at it, but I hope to once again become more aware of how this enters my life. So for 2011, I have chosen the word "
purpose". Sounds really vague, I know, but I want to be more intentional about the purpose with which I pursue the various activities of my life. And for those things that really don't seem to have "purpose" for me, perhaps I need to let them go.

I recently saw this quote from Leo Buscalgia and it really related to my word:
" It's not enough to have lived. We should be determined to live for something. May I suggest that it be creating joy for others, sharing what we have for the betterment of personkind, bringing hope to the lost and love to the lonely. "

How's that for purpose?? For ideas of how others use the "one word" concept, check out these posts here and here.

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