Saturday, June 19, 2010

Round Robin - Broken

Yesterday, my next door neighbor knocked on my door to apologize for what he called "a mess he made in my yard". Thinking of his always manicured lawn and my overgrown jungle, I assured him that I found it hard to believe that he could make a mess in my yard. He pointed out the pot stacker that he'd accidentally hit with his weed whacker, knocking some of the pots to the ground. Given the fact, that I had yet to plant new flowers in it this summer, I wasn't worried. Besides, now I had a subject for the Round Robin photo challenge!! ( Be sure to check out the entries of the other "Robins" here. They always have some amazing photos. )
From Mommy's Treasures

From Mommy's Treasures

As I took a couple of pictures, I spotted this tiny winged friend perched atop the pole. So pretty!!
From Mommy's Treasures

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Karen Funk Blocher said...

Hi, Linda! Those are extremely cool shots! The third one is amazing, but for some reason I especially love the first one. Kind of a leaning tower of broken!

If you're ready to go here, will you do me and Carly a favor and leave your info in the RR comments thread? Thanks!

Unknown said...

Hi Linda,

A nice set of images here, that 3rd shot (dragon fly???) is exceptionally good. :)

Kim, USA said...

Nice of your neighbor to come and tell you about it. A happy accident indeed ^_^ Happy Sunday!


Ingrid said...

That's really nice of your neighbor to break your pots in the right moment, lol !

Jama said...

Another happy accident! lol
Love that last shot, so beautiful!

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