Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Week In The Life Revisted

Back in the spring, I participated in Ali Edwards' "Week In The Life" project, along with Valine. It ended up being a really crazy week, and I didn't get to do nearly as much as I'd hoped. But in the end, as I put together my album, it all came together. Valine and I ended up with such different albums, although we documented the same exact week.

We had so much fun doing that back in the spring, but we decided it would be fun to document a week during another season as well. Therefore, we have declared next week (October 24-30) to be "Week In The Life--Fall". Next week, we will take photos of our everyday activities, jot notes on scraps of paper, save receipts and souvenirs in order to document a week in the fall of 2010. It's really simple---we'll just gather the items and our thoughts next week and try to put it all together into an album when we have a little more time.

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JJB said...

I'm going to try. I was wondering the other day if you had already started!

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