Yesterday, Jana and I went into Atlanta and spent the day with Sally and Camille. We ate lunch down in Virginia Highlands at Murphy's and then shopped a little bit in that area. One of our favorite stores,
Paper Source, is always a place for inspiration. In one of their displays, they used these bamboo hangers to hand banners made of their specialized papers. They were so pretty and would be the perfect accent in Jana's living room "nooks". However, at $39.50 for the large and $34.50 for the small, they were out of her price range.

So, we took a trip to Michael's and came up with these.

After measuring, Jana sawed them into the appropriate lengths and I wired them together. Here's the finished product.

Total cost of for 3 bamboo hangers . . . . .$12!! Great deal. Now she just needs the paper.