Monday, January 16, 2012

Bird Watching (and a Squirrel)

This morning, after sleeping a little bit later than usual, I heard the chirping of lots of different birds in my backyard. Since Emmi's mission is to keep all birds and squirrels out of my yard, I kept her safely tucked into her kennel as I slipped outside with my camera in hand. The temperature outdoors was very mild, but it was clear that a change was coming. Birds of every variety were flying back and forth from tree to fence to ground to tree. Sparrows:
Cedar Wax Wings:
and Cardinals:

Even the squirrels were busy getting ready for the impending change in weather.

I'll leave you with my favorite shot of the morning.
I shot all of these on Manual Mode! Oh, I am so loving this new lens!
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JJB said...

Look at your awesome photography skills!!! And, what a cute subject to work with, too!

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