Today, I helped Debbie with a ladies retreat for the VOA Lighthouse parents and workers. When we woke up to rain this morning, we had a pretty good idea that our numbers would be low, and we were right. But, although the group was small, I'm confident that those that needed to be there, were. It was a very informal day where people could share as we ate lunch and crafted.
I was in charge of the craft and it was a learning experience for all of us--including me. Debbie had someone cut wooden crosses and our project was to cover them with mosaic from tiles, etc. After a couple of cell phone tutorials from someone who'd done it before, I gathered the supplies and we set to work.
The first step is to select tiles, beads, charms and lay out a tentative pattern. 
Breaking the tiles proved a great way to work out a few frustrations and stress.
Then, we covered the crosses with mastic---a sticky adhesive used in laying tile . . .
. . . and set about pressing the bits of tiles and marbles into the mastic.
Each cross was so unique and pretty.
Here's mine---I used a charm with tiny bird eggs pictured for the center and then arranged
and re-arranged until I was satisfied.
It will be a couple of days before everything is completely dry, but now I can't wait to hang my cross and begin another project---I've always wanted to tile the top of that little wood table out in the carport.
I was in charge of the craft and it was a learning experience for all of us--including me. Debbie had someone cut wooden crosses and our project was to cover them with mosaic from tiles, etc. After a couple of cell phone tutorials from someone who'd done it before, I gathered the supplies and we set to work.

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