My street is only one block long and I've lived in this house for 18 years. Many of the residents were elderly when we moved here, but we got to know each other through regular get-togethers like National Night Out. However, as the years have passed, things have changed. Being the age of A/C and television, we generally return from work just in time to go inside for dinner and then watch TV or work on the computer----we don't sit outside and visit with neighbors as the generations before us did. As my older neighbors have moved away (and sometimes passed away), new families have moved on the block and last weekend I realized that I don't even know most of them! So, I decided to throw a Memorial Day Block Party. I recruited Carol to help me. Anna and Callie helped me put flyers on everyone's door during the week. Since I knew so few people, I wasn't sure how many people would actually come, but I vowed to Carol that even if it was just her family and me, we would sit outside and have a good time!
With all of the wonderful ideas available online serving as inspiration, I longed to create something pretty, with a great patriotic theme--- Something like this. . .
Source: via Linda on Pinterest
or this . . . .
Source: via Linda on Pinterest
or even this .
Source: via Linda on Pinterest
A really busy week prevented me from going "all out", but I did manage to put together a few fun touches.
I set everything up in my carport and then waited.
Not everyone, of course, but about half of the block showed up!
We had tons of yummy food . . .

and time to sit and reminisce . . . .
and get to know each other a little bit better.
Everyone seemed to really have a great time and wanted to know when the next get-together would be.