Last night, Dan, Callie and I dyed some Easter eggs.
We did it quickly with little fanfare, but the colors still turned out pretty and vibrant. (it seems that this took alot longer when I was a kid---and when the girls were kids)
Then, despite the fact that I have some really cool antique egg cups and pretty dyed eggs, I forgot all about them this morning. So, they are still sitting in a carton in my frig!
Dan had new Easter clothes to wear and he really looked nice!!
At Sunday schooI, I shared the Easter story and we talked about how the disciples and Mary might have felt when they found the empty tomb---what a mix of emotions there must have been!!! As a culminating activity, we enjoyed a snack of Resurrection Rolls. The idea behind them may have been lost, but they were quite tasty. And ONE of the rolls even looked like it was supposed to (despite this terribly fuzzy photo)!!