Saturday, February 20, 2010

Home Sweet Home

EARLY this morning, I returned from a mission trip to Juarez, Mexico. This is my fifth trip down there and I love it so much that I usually wish I could stay just one more week. However, I have to admit that curling up in my own bed with my soft pillows and taking an extended shower upon waking up, make me remember that "there's no place like home." I had a GREAT time on the trip. I took my old compact camera so that I could keep it in my pocket as we worked and have it handy at all times. Of course, there's nothing glamorous or flattering about the pictures of me in overalls with no makeup, but that's just part of being in Mexico.

This year, we built three houses (this is part of my team--Noel the Builders--of which I was the leader), built a wall back at the compound, cleaned up the church area, led the worship service on Tuesday night (we did an almost wordless drama about "Who is my neighbor?"),purchased supplies for the compound and the medical/dental clinic, sorted medical supplies, conducted a baseball clinic, shopped at the market (only 8 of us went into town for this, but we had fun), connected with old friends (my team from 3 years ago with the family that we sponsor), and developed relationships that will last a lifetime! I'm still sorting through all the pictures, but these pics show some of children I met and played with this week---certainly one of my favorite parts of the trip!
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debbie said...

Nothing like the kids is there? Looks like you had great fun!

debbie said...

Looks like ya'll had great fun! The kids are adorable...

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