It's January, and I, like many people, are in organization mode. I started small yesterday, with the medicine cabinet in our kitchen. It is very narrow space and has been perfect for this purpose, but goodness, it had become a mess. I took every single thing out of the cabinet, purged the things that were no longer useful and put the remaining items back in a more organized manner--cold medicines in one basket, analgesics in another and vitamins on the bottom shelf. I am somewhat embarrassed to admit that I had 3 bags of calcium chews hidden in this tiny cabinet that had never even been opened! The baskets are probably not the most idea for this space, but they are fairly functional, so no need to replace them unless I find something better. Trying to decide if I should add labels to the baskets--I know where everything is, but no matter how many times I show him, Ron will inevitably ask me where the cold medicines are. ;-)
Today, I tackled the small table in my kitchen. I've had this table for years and the girls spent many of their mornings eating their breakfast here when they were growing up. However, since they have been grown and gone, it really has been more of a catch-all space than anything else. I attempted to make it my desk to work on my dad's estate business, but it just didn't work well and just accumulated piles of papers. Sorry, I forgot to take pictures of the before, but trust me--it was not pretty!
This morning, while babyD2 napped, I cleared everything off and turned into a drink station. I've had most of these things on my butcher block cart, but the cord from the coffee pot had to be plugged in on the counter and it really did pose a hazard when I tried to move the cart in any direction. Since there is an outlet under the table, this really is the perfect spot for the coffee pot. I also wanted to include a setup for hot chocolate for these cooler days.
In the little drawer, I will keep spoons for stirring and some napkins.
I think I would eventually like to add some hooks for cups on that wall by the coffee maker. Maybe something like this?

Here are few inspiration photos for what I might be looking for:
I love this little table with the drawers and baskets--I would need something wider, though.
Today, I tackled the small table in my kitchen. I've had this table for years and the girls spent many of their mornings eating their breakfast here when they were growing up. However, since they have been grown and gone, it really has been more of a catch-all space than anything else. I attempted to make it my desk to work on my dad's estate business, but it just didn't work well and just accumulated piles of papers. Sorry, I forgot to take pictures of the before, but trust me--it was not pretty!
This morning, while babyD2 napped, I cleared everything off and turned into a drink station. I've had most of these things on my butcher block cart, but the cord from the coffee pot had to be plugged in on the counter and it really did pose a hazard when I tried to move the cart in any direction. Since there is an outlet under the table, this really is the perfect spot for the coffee pot. I also wanted to include a setup for hot chocolate for these cooler days.
In the little drawer, I will keep spoons for stirring and some napkins.
I think I would eventually like to add some hooks for cups on that wall by the coffee maker. Maybe something like this?

(unknown source)
In the next couple of years, we plan to remove the wallpaper in this room and go with painted walls, and all of the cabinets need to be repainted, as well, so at this point, I am trying to work with what I've got. However, I've been brainstorming ideas for the future of this little nook. Since we don't really need a table here anymore, I would like to have some sort of cabinet that provides more storage.Here are few inspiration photos for what I might be looking for:
I love this little table with the drawers and baskets--I would need something wider, though.
(source: In Pursuit)
Here is another one that uses baskets for storage:
(unknown source)
I like the space for pet bowls that is recessed under this cabinet. Emmi's bowl is currently kept in front of this table, so even a drawer to hide it would be an improvement.
(source: HGTV)
Do you have any ideas for this space? Let me know if you run across anything that I should consider.
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