Valine's birthday was Saturday and we spent it together, along with her Aunt Pam, doing our favorite thing---antique shopping at Canton, TX. From all the weather forecasts, we were beginning to wonder whether we would have to spend our whole day in rain ponchos, darting from pavilion to pavilion. But, our Canton luck held out and we had a day of great weather--overcast at first, but ending in an afternoon filled with sunshine.
Valine received several phone calls wishing her a happy day

and we each managed to find a little something fun to take home with us (although nothing from this pile).

The picture above shows a huge crowd, but it was taken at lunch time near several food vendors, so it is a bit misleading. There were lots of people celebrating the start of May at Canton, but the place is so huge that most areas were not nearly as crowded as this.
We even managed to sneak in our favorite lunch at the Red Barn.
We even managed to sneak in our favorite lunch at the Red Barn.

and we each managed to find a little something fun to take home with us (although nothing from this pile).

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What a fun birthday! Thank you for sharing your lovely blog, keep up the great work!
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