Ron's work has been relentless this year, with the installation and implementation of a new software system at each of the hospitals. He has not been able to take off any days for quite some time, so with a long Labor Day weekend looming, and a slight break before the nest installation begins, he was able to take off one day to make a 4-day weekend to visit his oldest son, Terry and family. Then Hurricane Harvey hit and suddenly traveling that far became questionable because of the shortage of gasoline. At the very last minute, after phone calls back and forth and a trip to buy gas cans and gasoline, we decided to go. I didn't take my DSLR with me, so all my pictures are from my phone.
Friday morning we loaded our suitcases and full gas cans in Ron's truck and hit the road. Along the way, we passed lots of emergency sign and vehicles. We stopped for a picnic along the way and to top off our gas tank when we saw stations with gas. Once we got past Waco, gas became more scarce, with most stations closed or only offering diesel.
It was such a nice, relaxing weekend with visits to tiny Ingram, lunch at Bridgette's Baskets and a visit to Stonehenge. Wait!! Stonehenge??? Yep! Who knew that you could find a 60% replica of Stonehenge? A bit weird, but kind of fun, too. And it was the perfect place to let Archer run around.
We spent the rest of the day just relaxing and playing which was nice for all of us.
Terry put some deer corn out along the road by their house in hopes of drawing out a few more deer. It worked for one buck, and the boys sure had fun watching for them.

Archer took this group photo of us. Not bad for a 3-year-old!

Friday morning we loaded our suitcases and full gas cans in Ron's truck and hit the road. Along the way, we passed lots of emergency sign and vehicles. We stopped for a picnic along the way and to top off our gas tank when we saw stations with gas. Once we got past Waco, gas became more scarce, with most stations closed or only offering diesel.
We stopped at one point to get a better look at some wildflowers that we'd seen growing alongside the road. While they appeared solid white from a distance, they were actually variegated green and white and were Snow-on-the-mountain. We learned the hard way that they can cause both skin and eye irritation. Oops!
I took Archer one of the new car play mats I had stitched and he really loved it, playing with it at dinner, through the weekend and even sleeping with it!It was such a nice, relaxing weekend with visits to tiny Ingram, lunch at Bridgette's Baskets and a visit to Stonehenge. Wait!! Stonehenge??? Yep! Who knew that you could find a 60% replica of Stonehenge? A bit weird, but kind of fun, too. And it was the perfect place to let Archer run around.
Terry and Jaylynn have just moved into a new home, and are remodeling parts of it. Ron was able to help assemble Archer's new "big-boy bed", which he LOVED!!!
Jaylynn is a runner, too, and Terry has just begun running, so we headed down to their River Trail on Sunday morning. The temperatures were in the low 60', and the scenery along the trail was great! We saw a bunch of deer wandering around eating their breakfast and wished we had a similar running trail in Shreveport. Of course, we would never get any PR's if we did since we stopped to look at the deer every time we saw some.We spent the rest of the day just relaxing and playing which was nice for all of us.
Terry put some deer corn out along the road by their house in hopes of drawing out a few more deer. It worked for one buck, and the boys sure had fun watching for them.
Even though we spent a lot of time on the road, it was such a good time. Jaylynn and Terry were wonderful hosts and it was great to spend time with them in their new home.

Archer took this group photo of us. Not bad for a 3-year-old!

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