Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Solar Eclipse Birthday Fun

My son-in-law has a birthday coming up very soon and since I'm pretty sure he doesn't read my blog, I wanted to go ahead and share the birthday package that we are putting together for him. Several months ago, I ordered this book for him just because it looked like fun and something he would enjoy.
I tucked it away and waited for more inspiration to go with it.

Since that time, he and my daughter have decided to go on a short trip to celebrate their anniversary. It is a belated celebration, but perfect timing to put together a fun gift for him since the trip will fall right after his birthday. They are heading a little north to have a better view of the solar eclipse!  How fun is that?!

I picked up a magazine that is all about viewing the eclipse and then added some special glasses to view the sun with. While searching for the right ones, I read all about the need for safety glasses. Looking directly at the sun during an eclipse (or anytime really) can cause real damage at it is definitely not worth permanent eye damage. I looked at so many different ones and these seemed to be the best for the price. They are hard plastic and look more legit than the typical cardboard ones, so I even stitched up a quick drawstring bag to carry them.
(overnight, these seem to have sold out on Amazon, so here is a link to some cardboard alternatives (which come in a 5-pack).

Every viewing party needs a little food, too, doesn't it? I had the great idea to pick up some different flavors of Moon Pies, but, unfortunately, I haven't been able to find any name brand ones locally and the whole point is to have the name on there. So I turned back to Amazon to order these. (I sure love Amazon Prime with their free 2-day shipping!) They come in assorted flavors, and though I thought I was getting an assorted pack, they are actually all Salted Caramel. Oh well. If he doesn't like them, I feel pretty sure someone at my house would be more than happy to eat them. I love Moon Pies!
And last, but not least, I picked up some additional other-worldly snacks! They should be well-prepared with junk food.
Blue Moon Beer, Eclipse Gum, Starburst candies, MilkWay Bars, Sun Chips and SunSeeds

All together, it makes a pretty fun package of goodies.

Are you in line for viewing the full eclipse and are you doing anything special for the viewing?

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