By the time you read this, we (hopefully) will be on our way to another camping adventure. In preparation for this trip, and future camping in general, a little maintenance was necessary for the camper. Unfortunately, we developed a significant leak in the last month or so and had to repair it before camping again. Ron worked on sealing the roof with sealant tape while I worked on a project inside.

Around the edges, I used peel and stick caulking that is made to go around a tub.

When we bought the camper last year, it had been well-loved and well-taken care of. However, for some reason that completely escapes my comprehension, the manufacturer installed green carpeting around the toilet in the tiny bathroom. Not on the floor, but surrounding the toilet.

I've been wanting to rip that stuff out, and this was the perfect opportunity. It's a small space, and it was attached VERY securely!

I cut and ripped and pried and finally got it all up (except around the edges (I guess they wrapped that wooden box before installing it in the bathroom).

I bought some peel and stick flooring for $.99 each (it took 4 strips) and used mastic as adhesive, just to be sure that I didn't have to worry about the edges peeling up.

I placed some heavy objects on it while it dried overnight.

The front edge needed to be covered, so I bought a piece of unfinished mounding and used some of my acrylic paint TS to try and match the tiles the best I could. Once the toilet was back in place, I glued the strip in place. It is nothing fancy, but sure is an improvement over Olive green carpeting!

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