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Friday, May 31, 2013

10 Things

This idea came from Wendy over at The Shabby Nest, the idea being to list 10 honest things about yourself.   Some people have fun with the meme and others take it pretty seriously, but you can see what a few others have said here, here, and here.  Seems that I'm pretty much an open book, but here goes anyway (in no particular order and not very deep thoughts):

1. I like to fold laundry, but HATE to put it away.

2. I've always wanted to run a 5K, but never dreamed it I'd LIKE it until I met Ron.

3. I don't really like to cook, but I love to chop up vegetables.

4. Along those same lines, I really love to bake, but definitely don't need to eat what I bake.

5.  I love kids and teaching, but hate to teach Vacation Bible School.

6.  I love flowers and plants, but am terrible at taking care of them.  They have to be pretty hardy to make it at my house.

7.  I'm TERRIFIED of roaches. (there's no "but" to that).

8.  I am super-involved at church, have taught Sunday School for years, but am basically Bible illiterate (still have to use the index to find the order of the books).

9.  I like to read, but rarely do . . . and when I do, I forget what I read almost immediately.  I've bought a new book on more than one occasion only to realize halfway through that something seems familiar and I've read it before.  I do the same thing with movies.

10. I am pretty sure that I have ADD because I start WAY more projects that I could ever possibly finish.  (and perhaps that could account for #9 and #8 and #6)   Hmmmmm. . . . .

Thursday, May 30, 2013

A Rustic Wedding --- in Photos

When Ron and I began to plan our wedding, we knew that we wanted something appropriate for our ages (50+ years) that was as stress-free as possible and comfortable for our guests.   We wanted things to be nice, but wanted the main emphasis to be on the commitment we were making to each other.   I began to look for ideas online and Jana even began a Pinterest board for me entitled "Mama's Getting Hitched" where we could begin pinning ideas.   I found lots of inspiration for rustic affairs, but obviously, most were planned for young brides and there was very little inspiration or even advice for more mature couples.  But, at the age of 54, we felt the freedom to do things the way WE wanted, whether or not they followed the "rules".  We held the ceremony in an untraditional location, invited the people we were closest to and dressed in the way that we were comfortable.  I was lucky enough to just "happen upon" a dress that I liked and with the help of friends and family, the other touches just kind of came together.  There were some special touches, like the blue earrings that Kathy sent to me, the "anniversary book" that I gave to Ron as a gift and the sweet pewter bowl that Callie and Jana presented us.  Jana designed the invitations (which I showed you in the last post) and Callie and Jordan provided all the music (which was wonderful)!!  The best part of the day (besides becoming Mrs. Perkins) was the fact that our family and closest friends were there with us.
(BEWARE:  there are lots of photos ahead)!





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