Some weekends just feel good and this was one of them! Saturday morning began with the Day of Caring, which turned out to be lots of fun and such a good feeling knowing that we were helping people, too. Afterwards, several of us had lunch together at Lilah's---yummy food and a chance to see the paintings in the most recent NCAP Art Show.
The weather was absolutely perfect----both Saturday and Sunday! Today, it's kind of fun to see the transformations that took place over the weekend. First up, my shoes . . . . from this (actually they were solid cream-color, but I forgot to take a picture before I started):
. . . To this! You knew birds would be involved, didn't you?
My new sidewalk (yay)
left me with piles of dirt and sod that needed to be moved.
While the transformation of these piles is barely discernible in these photos, my back and shoulders tell me differently.
Perhaps you remember this photo of my broken pot-stacker from last summer.
I'm embarrassed to admit that it has stood in my front yard for nearly a year now (I know---that's terrible). But, today, I moved it along with the concrete blocks it was sitting on and filled it all in with dirt and sod.
Here's the new home for my pot stacker---still need a few more pots, but I had some herbs that needed to be planted, so I went ahead with what I had. I also worked on preparing part of my backyard for a new walkway that I hope to build in the weeks to come. I don't really have a before picture, but I have a couple of the project in process.
On Saturday, my feet went from this (after just beginning):
to this: to this: Ahhhh!! (The bubble bath a little later felt even better!!)
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Wow! What a weekend!! Looks like a lot of work, but it's looking great!!!
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